2014 Frontiers in Computational Chemistry International Workshop

Computational chemistry is highly interdisciplinary in nature and its research area spans broadly physics, chemistry, biology, and material sciences. Along with the rapid advance in computer technology and theoretical algorithms, computational chemistry has already been widely applied and has provided important microscopic insights into many complex systems.  At present, computational chemistry has already been intimately intertwined with many experimental researches to provide both qualitative and even quantitative predictions of some important experimental results, and has tremendous potential for future development and application in many scientific branches.  

The Frontiers in Computational Chemistry International Workshop aims to provide an advanced platform to help promote international exchange and collaboration, train for young researchers and graduate students, and advance the overall quality of computational chemistry research. This workshop will primarily focus on quantum chemistry methods and their applications, biomolecular properties, statistical mechanics, molecular dynamics, etc.  The workshop will strive to cultivate and promote novel research ideas and new methodologies along with their innovative applications through mutual interaction and exchange among computational chemists whose work are in the forefront.


May 24-25, 2014


Room 385, Geography Building │3663 Zhongshan Road North, Shanghai, China